Vicenza, Italy

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rome, Italy

EUR. Fascist Architecture under Mussolini.

Tombe Museo Voragini



Spanish Steps

Roman Forum

Trevi Fountain

arch. Richard Meier, 1996

Tempietto di San Pietro, arch. Donate Bramante

Perez helps with my presentation


The Vatican
Gallery of Maps

Room of the Segnatura (1508-1511)
School of Athens, Raphael

Sistine Chapel. Paintings by Michelangelo. It was really beautiful, except for all the people and the man hushing the group every 30 seconds... pictures are forbidden, hence why mine are crooked... I couldn't resist. You understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the same place (Trevi fountain) when I was your age, 22. I went with the Rome Festival Orchestra. Love, Mom

3:48 AM  

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